TS & PTS Series Tailstock

Troyke offers a variety of machine tool supports ranging from manual tailstocks, pneumatic tailstocks, hydraulic tailstocks, pneumatic outboard supports, hydraulic outboard supports and pneumatically actuated tailstocks for 5C Collet fixtures.
Standard Features:
- Removable dead center
- 3 morse taper on models TS-5c,6.5,9,10,12 and 15
- #5 morse taper on modelsTS-16.5,20 and 25
- Left hand or right hand locking handle position
- 4 way - 2 position pneumatic valve (pts-model only)
- Spindle oilers on all models
- Matched center height to mating table
Optional Outboard Supports:
- HOS-Series (hydraulic braking outboard support)
- POS-Series (pneumatic braking outboard support)
- OS-Series (plain bearing outboard support)
- FR-Series (free rotating rotary table)
- AHU (air over hydraulic unit for (HOS-series)
For additional information consult factory.